Injectable Treatments
Click the button below to book a consultation or treatment with one of our specialist consultants.
We will talk with you beforehand to know as much information prior to your consultation/treatment to make your visit as swift and enjoyable as possible.
Treatments available include:
- Anti-Wrinkle Injectables
- Skin boosters
- Basic Dermal Fillers
- Advanced Dermal Fillers
- Vitamin Injections
- Fat Dissolving Injections
- Keloid reducing steroid injections
- Dermal Filler dissolving injections
- PDO Threads
The breadth of experience of our consultants means that you are in safe hands, contact us if you would like further information.
Clinical treatments are scheduled well in advance, this is to allow us to ensure that you have the best consultant suited and that you have all the information you need and time to review.